Gratitude Journal | MonDay Bliss
You cannot love what you don’t appreciate.
And what you don’t appreciate, you reject.
Remember your joy with gratitude.
About this book
The book contains blank pages. But on every thirty-one day you get a little text to think about for the upcoming month.
The text is written with a foundation on the principles about God and his love to expand through us from the book A Course in Miracles. The purpose is to heal the mind in the sense of choosing to see with love instead of fear.
Time is needless when we surrender to infinity. Therefore, this calendar has no numbers or lines. You can start writing today. Do it again tomorrow. If you forget to write one day, just write the moment you remember. There are enough pages for a whole year of writing one page each day. And on every thirty-one day you get a little text to think about for the upcoming month.
“Only infinite patience gives instant result.”
I always start my journaling writing:
Dear God, The Holy Spirit, and this infinite loving Universe that I’m a lucky part of. Today I’m grateful for being able to sit here in my bed, writing in my journal. Giving myself the time to heal my mind.
And then I simply write down what I’m happy for. It could be things that happened yesterday or insights I just got.
You can't do it wrong. The criterion for success is wanting to try.
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